LOVESICK by Luana Vecchio was one of the most disturbing yet beautiful stories I’ve ever read.
Respect to image comics for having the balls to release this series. I’m pretty sure 90% of the people who gave this series a read stopped before the end and from the reviews I’ve found, completely missed the real story behind the gore and uneasy panel layouts.
If you decide to dive into this gore love story, I recommend reading the “final words” after each issue. Luana’s artist breakdown of every issue is eye opening and will help you really understand the meaning behind every issue. Maybe I’m f*cked up in the head for truly loving LOVESICK or maybe it’s just important to truly understand the human brain, even the f*cked up parts. The main character DOMINO and her dysfunctional other half Jack, take you through every emotion you could imagine. A young broken girl craving death meets a young cannibal. They fall in love or they don’t or maybe they do or maybe they just can’t exist without the other one.
Go into this read with an open mind. It’s not for everyone!!! I’m bummed the series is over, but I’m glad I saw a disturbing yet sexy cover by amazing artist Luana Vecchio on the shelves and gave LOVESICK a chance. Now I wait for DOMINO’S return.
Comic Book Fiend Club Founder – Crimson Bat Comics Owner – The Terrifying Crimson Bat Creator and Writer – Horror Comics Enthusiast
Comments 1
Great review I definitely wanna check this out now! My type of story it seems.