Chris GarciaArtist Spotlight Leave a Comment

This week, we welcome Cory Haberman to the CBFC Artist Spotlight!

Q. Where are you from?

A. I am from Westchester, NY just north of NYC.

Q. How long you’ve been drawing?

A. I have been drawing all my life but I’ve been tattooing for 9 years now.

Q. What materials do you prefer to use for your art?

A. Outside of tattooing I enjoy digital art out of convenience but my heart lies with watercolor and oil painting.

Q. Character you love to draw?

A. Dragonball Z is where it all started so really any character from the series is a blast for me!

Q. Character that you want to draw that you haven’t drawn yet?

A. I would love to do an Invincible piece, or maybe a serious Saitama from One Punch Man.

Q. What artist inspires you the most and why?

A. I’m probably most inspired by Dave Tevenal (@davetattoos) who is just an absolute work horse when it comes to tattoos and illustration. Nobody produces at the rate and level that he does, he’s even done collabs with Marvel which is pretty sweet.

Q. What was your first published work?

A. As a tattooer I was first published in a magazine in 2019, though I’ve done work on web series and commissions before I started tattooing.

Q. Which artist would you love to do a collaboration piece with?

A. I would love to do a collaboration with Ralph Giordano (@ralphygtattoo) as we work together, have very similar interests, yet have completely different styles that I think would gel really well.

Thank Cory Haberman for taking the time to answer a few of our questions! Be sure to give him follow!


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