
ARTIST SPOTLIGHT – Joseph “@t_diddy1984” Sagonas

Chris GarciaArtist Spotlight Leave a Comment

This week we welcome Joseph to the CBFC Artist Spotlight!

Q. Where are you from?

A.  Queens, New York.

Q. How long have you been drawing?

A. It all stemmed from bombing as a kid. I bombed from ’98 to ’05. Including drawing on paper. Then almost fully stopped until 2012. I didnt start bombing again. But Ive been drawing ever since. 

Q. What materials do prefer to do your art with?

A. Prismacolors, Copics, Spectrums, Molotows.

Q. Character you love to draw?

A. Marvel and Spawn mostly.

Q. What Character would you want to draw that you haven’t drawn yet?

A. Galactus.

Q. What artist inspires you the most and why?

A. Todd Mcfarlane and Jim lee. They were both heavy hitters when I was growing up. I took a strong liking to their style of art in the early ’90s.

Q. What was your first published work?

A. I haven’t had the privilege to publish my work, unfortunately.

Q. Which artist would you love to do a collaboration piece with?

A. My two fellow friend/graffiti artists. Deem and Nover. Both incredible artists that were kind enough to show me some tricks of the trade. 

inspector gadget

Big thanks to Joseph for taking the time to answer a few of our questions! Be sure to give him a follow!

Don’t forget to check back next week for our next Artist Spotlight! If you’re an artist and are looking to be featured on our page please hit me up here. I’d love to hear from you.


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