This week we welcome Steven Lydic to the CBFC Artist Spotlight!
Q. Where are you from?
A. Live in Naples, Fl.
Q. How long you’ve been drawing?
A. I’ve been drawing since I was a child, do awhile haha.
Q. What materials do you prefer to do your art with?
A. Pencils, Pens, Copic markers.
Q. Character you love to draw?
A. Gotta say Spidey!
Q. Character that you want to draw that you haven’t drawn yet?
A. I’ve drawn so many so this question is a tough one. Perhaps Adam Warlock.
Q. What artist inspires you the most and why?
A. There’s so many, Michael Turner. He’s passed on. But at that time many years ago when I was getting portfolio reviews. He a top artist. Loved his style, and his art always inspired me to get better.
Q. What was your first published work?
A. My first published work was for IDW Transformers #1. I got to color a variant cover.
Q. Which artist would you love to do a collaboration piece with?
A. So I do a lot of traditional coloring over other artists work on commissions. Been doing it for years so I’ve colored over alot of artists. One Artist I haven’t colored is J. Scott Campbell.
Thank Steven Lydic for taking the time to answer a few of our questions! Be sure to give him follow!
Don’t forget to check back next week for our next Artist Spotlight! If you’re an artist and are looking to be featured on our page, please hit me up here. I’d love to hear from you.
East Coast Member, Comic Book Fiend Club
Personal quest, search every dollarbin in Philly!