Uncle Mac Comic Reviews – Crossover #5 and The Department of Truth #7

Uncle MacReviews 1 Comment

Hey there friends and fellow fiends, it’s your old pal Uncle Mac, back once again to share a couple special gems hitting shelves this week. This week we have two issues hitting the shelves from our old friends over at Image Comics, Crossover #5, and the return of one of the greatest books of all time The Department of Truth.

First up, Crossover #5.

Here’s the blurb: ‘KIDS LOVE CHAINS,’ Part Five-Finally… it’s all come to this. What awaits our heroes at ground zero? What is the nefarious Father Lowe up to in that basement of his? Who the hell is narrating this book? Where am I? What’s happening?? Find out… in ‘KIDS LOVE CHAINS,’ Part Five!

If you’re not reading Crossover, well, you just aren’t a comic fan. This series is Donny Cates’ love letter to the industry and you can feel it on every page. Not only have we seen the return of some pretty wild classic characters so far, but every page is a, Easter Eggs hunt du jour, the likes of which I have not seen in a good long while, if ever!

The basic premise is that there is a gigantic portal that opens in our world, that is continuously dumping new heroes and villains from the comics into our world. A magic field is set up around the portal to try to keep things contained, but that also means there are people trapped inside their eternal war, and a who’s who of heroes and villains that have managed to slip out.

Our story follows Ellie, Ryan, Otto, and dome escape Ava as they attempt to return to Denver, the epicenter of the portal, to reunite Ava with her family, and to see if Ellie’s parents are still alive inside. Along the way they have teamed up with a handful of other superhero escapees, including Frank Einstein, AKA Madman, and having gotten ahold of God Country’s own Valofax, are ready to breach the done and see what can be done to set things right.

Again, this is a must-read book for any comic fan. If you missed out on issues 1-4 see if you can snag them, even in the reprints, and prepare yourself for one heck of a comic ride.

10/10 for sure!

Speaking of comics for true comic fans, we have issue #7 of The Department of Truth.

Here’s the blurb: It’s another deep dive into the Secret Archives as guest artist TYLER BOSS (4 Kids Walk Into a Bank) joins JAMES TYNION IV (Batman) and THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH to investigate sightings of flying saucers…and the strange men in black suits trying to cover up their existence. Hold onto your cows—the truth is out there!

I’ve spent a lot of time telling people about this book in the past, and for good reason. This is seriously one of the most amazing books on the shelf right now. If you’ve been sleeping, rush out and snag the first trade, then get ready to don your tin foil hat and join the rest of us in this amazing and crazy world!

Issue 6 saw us take a step back in time and revealed more about the background of the shadowy Department of Truth. We got to see a young Lee Harvey Oswald, now safely hidden by the Department, getting his first taste of the crazy his life would become. He was taken to the Secret Archives, where he learned a bit more about the origins of the work of the Department, as well as those who would seek to bend reality to fit their own designs.

Issue 7 sees us leaping headfirst into the 1950s and the era of flying saucers, the Men in Black, and little green men, and I have to say, I am here for that!

Tynion has solidified for all time his place as one of the greatest story tellers of this generation with this series, and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here. Each issue has enough twists and turns to keep you up late at night wondering just what is real, and what is being kept from you!

Make sure you snag this issue, or one of the many, many variants that are floating out there now, because this book is going to be a hot one, and you’re going to suffer some serious FOMO if you let it slip by!

Alright all, those are my 2 recommendations for this week. Really want to thank y’all for reading so far. Make sure you hit me up on insta and let me know what you think of my reviews so far. If there a book you want me to check out, or something you think I should be reading? Let me know!

Until then, stay safe!

Comments 1

  1. I stopped before Dept of Truth because I haven’t read it(hopefully will tonight) but you’re dead on with Crossover. I said the exact same words at issue 1. It’s a love letter to comic fans. A guy at the shop had not been reading it cause someone told him there’d be charecters he didn’t recognize. I went on a rant about why you needed to be reading it. It’s truly the book to be on your pull list right now.

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