Chris GarciaArtist Spotlight Leave a Comment

This week we welcome Lou Gabriel to the CBFC Artist Spotlight!

Q. Where are you from?

A. I am currently living in Geneva, Illinois. It’s a small town about 30 miles west of Chicago.

Q. How long you’ve been drawing?

A. I started drawing at 10 or 11 and drew until my early 30’s then I took a 19 year break to raise a family and then i picked up drawing again about 4 years ago. I started seriously painting about one year ago.

Q. What materials do prefer to do your art with?

A. For drawing I use Micron pens and Copic markers. For painting I fould acrylic paint suits me best.

Q. Character do you love to draw?

A. I love all superheroes, Batman, Captain America, Deadpool but recently I dig painting classic cartoon characters.

Q. Character that you want to draw that you haven’t drawn yet?

A. Moon Knight, I really like him and I plan on doing a big canvas painting of him in the future.

Q. What artist inspires you the most and why?

A. Getting better at my craft drives me. I know i have to put in the work to get where I want to be. There is no short cut its all about the grind

Q. What was your first published work?

A. I am not a published artist. But I do have several art shows coming up this year. I have an upcoming solo show in New York this July 8th.

Q. Which artist would you love to do a collaboration piece with?

A. SO MANY! I think my characters with graffiti lettering would look so cool with so many artists. I’m very open to doing collaborations but right now I am so slammed with work. But in the future I am going to be reaching out to people 

Thank Lou Gabriel for taking the time to answer a few of our questions! Be sure to give him a follow!


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