This week we welcome Milo to the CBFC Artist Spotlight!
Q. Where are you from?
A. Lima, Peru – born and raised.
Q. How long have you been drawing?
A. I drew/painted a lot when I was a kid until my early teens but then stopped for no reason. I picked it up almost 4 years ago, wondering why on earth did I ever stop haha.
Q. What materials do prefer to do your art with?
A. My weapon of choice is the Procreate app for the iPad Pro. It speeds up my design process significantly, especially when playing around with versions of the same design and creating duplicates for comparison. However, I do love drawing on paper and using color pencils and markers for color.
Q. Character you love to draw?
A. I love exploring and developing characters from scratch. Two recent favorites are Dendō Dango (Inktober) and Z from the rainforest-themed storyline (early 2019).
Other than original characters, I’m moved to capture strong characters from live mediums, like TV shows and movies – for example, the Jokers series I did a little while ago.
Q. What Character would you want to draw that you haven’t drawn yet?
A. I’ll know it when I draw it I suppose, haha. I usually draw what I want to draw right away.
Q. What artist inspires you the most and why?
A. There are so many. They range from music to film, from comics to photography.
Q. What was your first published work?
A. My first published work My first short film was published in 2011.
My first book was published in 2013. My first comic was published in 2018.
Q. Which artist would you love to do a collaboration piece with?
A. In a dream world (and in no particular order) Osamu Tezuka (if he were alive), Brandon Graham, Jamie Hewlett, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Genndy Tartakovsky.
Big thanks to Milo for taking the time to answer a few of our questions! Be sure to give him a follow!
Don’t forget to check back next week for our next Artist Spotlight! If you’re an artist and are looking to be featured on our page please hit me up here. I’d love to hear from you.
East Coast Member, Comic Book Fiend Club
Personal quest, search every dollarbin in Philly!