1. Tag us in your posts! We want to see what’s in your collection. We want to know what you’re collecting, reading, enjoying, who your favourite characters, creators, series, publishers, collectibles, interests are. By tagging us, we can see what …
2019 Niagara Falls Comic Con
Niagara Falls – the waterfalls, the Casino, the great attractions. Those are the things that run through my mind when hearing those two words. After this weekend though, the first thought that will come mind is Comic Con! June 7-9 …
Calling all super heroes! we need your help! We’ve teamed up with the great folks at the Comic Books For Kids. Comic Books For Kids is an organization that donates comics to children in hospitals that are facing a hard …
It’s Aliiive!
Welcome to the new Comic Book Fiend Club website. While we’ve been highly active on our other channels, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, we figured it was about time to build out the full CBFC web presence to create …